
The 7 Biggest Plastic Surgery Trends of 2022


The pandemic plastic surgery boom is old news, but lately, surgeons say that interest and demand have only grown. Americans spent over $9 billion on plastic surgery in 2020, according to The Aesthetic Society, despite about an eight-week elective surgery shutdown across the country. And 2021, surgeons say, far surpassed that revenue baseline, with one plastic surgeon even calling 2021 the “heyday” of plastic surgery. Historically, Halloween through Christmas is the busiest time of year for plastic surgery for many reasons, including insurance deductibles being met to parents having time off from work. But for many surgeons, the past year-and-a-half has passed at that same hectic, rapid-fire pace.

“This tends to be a huge time to get things done, but because of COVID and people working from home, the entire last year and a half has been kind of crazy for plastic surgery,” says New York City-based double board-certified plastic surgeon Melissa Doft, M.D.


As we’re entering 2022, we’ve asked plastic surgeons for their thoughts and forecasts — although all of them mused whether anyone could predict the future anymore — for the upcoming year in aesthetics.

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