
Video: MSNBC Host Says Biden Needs Help And Aides Should Be Allowed ON STAGE With Him At Next Debate To Sound ‘Coherent’

Lawrence O’Donnell says they should be given microphones and allowed to talk for him


(Modernity) MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell has called for allowing Joe Biden to have aides with him on stage to speak for him and help him sound coherent.

Yes, really. This is where we are now.

O’Donnell said that it would be good to “Allow the candidates to have as many staff as they want, join them on the stage throughout the debate, and make sure that all of them have microphones.”

He added that “the candidates should be allowed to turn to their staff and confer with them about anything at any time in the debate.”

“And we should be able to hear everything they say. So we can hear if the candidate has competent or incompetent staff, we could hear the candidate overrule some advisers and say something else,” he continued.

“We could watch the candidates actually think and process information, including including possibly information that they might not know until a staff member tells them or reminds them,” O’Donnell further suggested.

He continued, “A candidate should be allowed to let staff members actually answer questions for them.”

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