
Boycott Grows: Consumers Calling To ‘Give Planet Fitness The Bud Light Treatment’ Over String Of Sexual Abuse From Men In Women’s Bathrooms

(Yahoo) Growing concerns and controversy surrounding Planet Fitness’s inclusive policies have sparked significant debate and calls for boycotts, reminiscent of the backlash against Bud Light for its marketing decisions.

The gym’s policy, which allows members to use the locker room that corresponds with their gender identity, has been at the center of this contention. A standing Planet Fitness policy states, “If it is confirmed that a member is acting in bad faith and improperly asserts a gender identity, they may be asked to leave and their membership may be terminated.”


Most recently, Patricia Silva encountered a “man in women’s locker room shaving” at a Planet Fitness location in Alaska with underage girls present during the interaction. After posting the video online and complaining to Planet Fitness, her membership was canceled.

The issue has been going on since at least 2015 when Planet Fitness revoked the membership of Yvette Cormier after she voiced concerns upon encountering a biological man identifying as a transgender woman at a Michigan location. This resulted in a lawsuit against Planet Fitness. Cormier’s complaint ultimately succeeded with the Appeals Court for the State of Michigan finding that Planet Fitness violated the Consumer Protection Act and its contract with Cormier because her membership promised access to a private women’s locker room, which was not provided.

This incident has fueled debates over safety, privacy and the rights of transgender individuals, with many conservative voices on X calling for boycotts against Planet Fitness.

One notable X account, Wall Street Silver, posted, “Is it time to give Planet Fitness the Bud Light treatment? #BoycottPlanetFitness.”

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