
Testimonies: Here’s What Is Really Going On In Springfield, Ohio – Maybe ABC’s David Muir Should Fact-Check This

Not The Bee

(Not The Bee) Last night, ABC host David Muir made extra sure to ding Donald Trump for suggesting that the 20,000 Haitian illegals who have been dumped in the town of Springfield, Ohio, are not actually killing and eating the local wildlife and pet population.

The media is running with that “fact check” because they are terrifiedthat this might make the establishment look bad.


The problem with their assertion (apart from the fact is that it’s from a bureaucrat who is incentivized to not make himself look bad) is that it doesn’t actually prove there is no problem. Consider the phrasing.

And from the Springfield Police:

The city bureaucrats right now:



What’s interesting about their assertion is that there is a 911 recording of a man reporting Haitians who were carrying wild geese, which means it should be on their “radar.”

We even have notes from the call:


But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


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