
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Says His Indictment Is Result Of Being Targeted By Democrats For Speaking Out Against Illegal Immigration

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for Adams resignation


(BPR) A defiant New York City Mayor Eric Adams punched back at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) who called for him to resign on Wednesday, the day when he was indicted by the Biden-Harris Justice Department.

Adams, who was once celebrated as Gotham’s second black mayor, has seen his administration targeted by the feds with a series of FBI raids being carried out against top aides amid allegations of political corruption involving donations from a foreign entity. He becomes the first sitting New York mayor in history to be indicted.

After the New York Times broke the story of the imminent indictment, the socialist diva demanded that Adams step down “for the good of the city,” in a post to X.

“I do not see how Mayor Adams can continue governing New York City,” AOC wrote. “The flood of resignations and vacancies are threatening gov function. Nonstop investigations will make it impossible to recruit and retain a qualified administration. For the good of the city, he should resign.”

Hizzoner reacted with his own statement, dropkicking the self-righteous fraud congresswoman and vowing to fight for New Yorkers.

“For anyone who self-righteously claims people charged with serious crimes should not be in jail to now say that the second Black mayor of New York should resign because of rumors and innuendo — without even a single charge being filed — is the height of hypocrisy,” Adams said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “I am leading this city to protect it from exactly that kind of phony politics. The people of this city elected me to fight for them, and I will stay and fight no matter what.”

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