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Video: Democrats Working Their Plan To Steal 2024 Election, Non-Citizens Admit They’re Registered To Vote

Screenshot from Heritage Oversight

(Daily Wire) Several self-proclaimed non-citizens in the key battleground state of Arizona said that they are registered to vote in the November presidential election, with many saying that they support Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump.

Video obtained by the Heritage Oversight Project documents six self-proclaimed non-citizens in Phoenix, Arizona, who say that they registered to vote while at work or at the supermarket, with multiple also explaining that they prefer Harris over Trump. Arizona, a key battleground state, was won by President Joe Biden by just 11,000 votes, indicating that razor-thin margins could once again decide who garners the state’s 11 electoral votes.

“Just out of curiosity, are you registered to vote?” an undercover journalist asks one woman residing at an apartment complex in Phoenix. “Yes we’re already registered,” she responds, before admitting moments later that she is not an American citizen.

Another resident at the Phoenix apartment complex says that he is “waiting for my residency right now” and not a citizen but that he registered to vote. The resident says he registered “in the place of assistance where they help the Hispanics when we come here. I marked yes so I could vote, but if you wish you could register me.” The non-citizen, who says that he is from Cuba, went on to say that he preferred Harris over Trump.

While some say that they registered to vote at work or at a supermarket, some of the noncitizens say that canvassers registered them to vote at their apartment complex. According to one resident, however, the complex primarily houses foreign nationals. “There’s not a single citizen here,” he explains.

The same non-citizen bemoans the increase in prices under the Biden-Harris administration and touts Trump as a businessman, but complains that “Trump says he’ll start deporting people on the first day” and says that he prefers Harris because she “is with the community.”

The video comes as conservatives have warned that illegal immigrants could vote in American elections, with some on the left mocking the concern as “the big lie of 2024” or a “myth.”

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