
Red Wave: Republicans Leading 2-To-1 In Early Florida In-Person Voting, Trail Modestly With Mail-In Ballots


(Florida Politics) Nearly 55% of early in-person votes are GOP.

Whether these early votes are coming at the expense of Election Day turnout is anyone’s guess, but thus far the Republican Party of Florida is winning the turnout war against the Florida Democratic Party.

The secret sauce: a massive bank of early, in-person votes.

As of Thursday morning, 620,322 Republicans have voted in person, compared to 313,682 Democrats, 188,420 no-party voters and 23,999 “others.” That gives the GOP more than 54% turnout among 1,146,123 early birds.

Democrats do hold an advantage in returned mail ballots, at 709,736 to 606,191 for the GOP. In addition, 321,890 no-party voters and 33,985 “others” have also returned ballots, for a total of 1,671,802 thus far cast.

Dems had a 673,819 advantage in 2020’s returned mail ballots, and that won’t happen this time around in all likelihood.


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