
The Forgotten Art of Cell Phone Manners

Do you have them?

You see them everywhere. People clutching a cell phone to their ear blabbing away in a loud tone, completely oblivious to those around them who are annoyed at being exposed to their private conversation, not to mention the cell phone radiation .What could be so important that people feel compelled to talk on their cell phones while doing their banking, grocery shopping, exercising at the health club, and while eating in restaurants? How many of these conversations could have waited until the cell phone blabber returned to the privacy of his or her home? Maybe it’s time to define some standards for cell phone manners. Yes, there are places where cell phone usage should be off limits. If you want to practice good cell phone matters, don’t bring out your cell phones in these establishments:

Church and places of worship

Cell phone manners would suggest that a place where God is being worshipped and people are in thoughtful prayer shouldn’t be interrupted with the annoying ring of a cell phone followed by  a lively conversation on church time. Although I’m sure God has nothing against cell phones, I don’t think he’d appreciate frivolous use of them in his house of worship.


This is a place where people come to enjoy food, quiet conversation, and soft music. They don’t come to hear you talk about how your Aunt Nellie pulled out of the driveway yesterday and slammed into the ice cream truck. People come to restaurants to carry out their own private conversations. Don’t annoy them with yours.

The library

Do you really think people can concentrate on reading War and Peace when you’re chatting away about what you had for dinner last night? If you babble on your cell phone too long, you’re almost sure to encounter the wrath of the stern looking librarian who’s eyeing you from beneath her bifocals. Do you really want to make her mad?


Movies are expensive enough without someone sitting two seats down from you making it difficult for you to hear the story lines. On the other hand, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction so you might be more entertained by tuning in to the cell phone conversation. Movies just aren’t what they used to be.


This may be the worst situation of all. To take an elevator ride with someone blabbing on their cell phone and laughing like a crazed hyena. Don’t bother trying to explain cell phone etiquette to them, cell phone manners are probably well beyond their capability. Just hold your ears and bear it until you reach the tenth floor, then quickly make your break.

Driving a car

This isn’t just an issue of cell phone manners but one of safety. There’s nothing that will provoke the release a mouthful of expletives faster than a cell phone blabber pulling out in front of you while engrossed in cell phone conversation. When ARE they going to outlaw talking on cell phones in the car anyway?

As you can see, we all need to learn a few cell phone manners. Do you really want to be the one everyone’s glaring at?


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