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Video: Senator John Fetterman Returns To Congress In What Can Be Best Described As A ‘Train Wreck,’ Shows He Can’t Think Straight Enough To Serve Out His Term

It’s obvious that Fetterman who is a stroke victim, is working as someone’s puppet

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

(PJ Media) Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) has finally returned to Capitol Hill, having spent most of his tenure as a U.S. senator at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center being treated for clinical depression.

Fetterman was discharged on March 31. While it’s good that he’s progressed with mental health issues, we haven’t forgotten about the lingering cognitive impairments that became a major issue of the campaign, as it was clear to anyone that this man wasn’t fit to serve in the U.S. Senate.


His May 2022 stroke left him incapacitated for weeks, and he was lucky to survive. Despite this, he chose to continue campaigning, which could have potentially led to permanent brain damage, according to those close to him. Despite his prolonged period away from the Senate, it doesn’t appear that he’s experienced any improvement in his recovery from his stroke, and that was abundantly clear from watching him chair the Senate Subcommittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

Even the Washington Post couldn’t deny the obvious. “Though his voice stumbled at times while reading from prepared notes, Fetterman appeared in good spirits as he gaveled in a hearing focused on the benefits of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP,” the paper reported. “Republicans have proposed increasing the number of people who must meet work requirements to qualify for SNAP.”

Related: The Fetterman Situation Is a Lose-Lose Scenario for the Democrats

Video from the hearing is difficult to watch. We all know much of these hearings are scripted, but Fetterman sounds like he’s reading from his prepared remarks for the first time and doesn’t seem to understand what he’s saying. I’d feel bad for him if it wasn’t his fault he was in this position in the first place.


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