
Easter 2022: Three Chefs Offer Restaurant-Style Lamb Recipes To Wow Your At-Home Guests

Lamb ragout with tagliolini by Davide Galbiati, co-founder and executive chef at La Fabbrica Italiana…

Traditionally eaten at Easter, lamb is notoriously time-consuming to cook. It can also be paired with as many or as few ingredients as you’d like, and can be prepared between one and 24 hours in advance using both basic and state-of-the-art equipment.

Here, we present three chef-created recipes for all manner of home cooks.

For the time-poor: lamb ragout with tagliolini

Davide Galbiati, co-founder and executive chef at La Fabbrica Italiana, says: “This dish reminds me of the Easters I spent with family. My grandparents used to wake up very early to start cooking the feast, which was served banquet-style at noon. I can still remember all the different scents we used to smell when entering our building.

“Every year, my cousin and I used to play a game where we guessed which dish was being prepared in each home. Of course, our Nonna’s door was always the best-smelling one. I’m sure I could have made my way there blindfolded.”

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