
CBS Just Said Nearly Half Of Americans Can’t Afford Healthcare Confirming Democrats Scammed Everyone With Obamacare

Not The Bee

(Not The Bee) According to a not-so-shocking report from CBS News, despite spending more on healthcare than any other nation, almost half of the country struggles to afford it.

Americans spend more money on health care on a per capita basisthan people in any other developed nation, yet almost half say they’ve struggled recently to pay for medical treatment or prescription drugs, according to a new study from Gallup and West Health.

About 45% of those polled by the organizations said they’d recently had to skip treatment or medicine either because of cost or lack of easy access. Of those, about 8% said they also wouldn’t have access to affordable care if they required it today, a group that Gallup and West Health termed ‘cost desperate.’

While 55% of Americans are ‘cost secure,’ meaning they can afford care and medicine, that’s a decline from 61% who fell into that category in 2022, the study found.

First off, don’t miss the “per capita” part that helps fudge the numbers to make it seem like the cost of health care (which includes the billions of American health-related research and development, dwarfing that of other countries) is simply split across the nation. Newsflash: it’s not.

But what else are people missing?

Because I’m old enough to remember that we were told this would never, ever happen under Obamacare!

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