
Dr. Sabine Hazan: Covid-19 Vaccines Found To Kill Off Gut Bacteria That Is Key For Healthy Immune System

(The Exposé) Gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan tested the microbiomes of doctors before and after covid vaccination and noticed bifidobacteria, key to the immune system, were being killed off; not only in vaccinated people but also in newborns of vaccinated mothers.

“I started noticing a month later, the bifidobacteria, this important microbe, is dropping in patients pre- and post-vaccinations … Only a certain group of microbes are getting killed …Bifidobacteria is a huge part of immunity … I think [the vaccine] is creating a bacteriophage or bifidophage,” she said.

A bacteriophage is a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria.

The decrease in bifidobacteria persisted; ninety days post-vaccination the bifidobacteria dropped to zero. “There was a persistence in the damage, not only [after] 90 days but six months, nine months later,” she said. “That was the thing that started to make me panic.”

“And then as we were looking at the microbiome of newborns [of] mothers who were breastfeeding, we started noticing that there’s no bifidobacteria in those newborns … Newborns are supposed to have a tonne of bifidobacteria … 90% of the microbiome of babies is bifidobacteria.”

One of the common findings in autistic children is the loss of bifidobacteria.

The above is clipped from an interview with Epoch Times on 23 March 2023.  You can watch the full interview HERE.

Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut Bacteria Missing in Covid Patients

Republished from Independent News Europe with video added by us at the end.

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