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Americans Getting Slammed By Rising Costs Of Auto Insurance, Feds Admit 155,000 Migrant Driver Arrests Related To Spike

(Breitbart) The federal government has released data showing more than 155,000 migrants have been convicted — or face charges — for criminal traffic offenses as Americans’ auto insurance bills rise rapidly.

The huge imported population of dangerous, drunk, drugged, or reckless drivers was revealed in a report by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency within the Department of Homeland Security.

For example, the data shows that 77,074 undetained migrants have been convicted of criminal traffic offenses, and an additional 46,269 migrants face criminal traffic charges.

These migrants are not detained by ICE, but some may be detained by other government agencies. Many of the drivers crossed the border years before President Joe Biden’s economic deputies pulled in roughly 10 million illegal, illegal, temporary, and quasi-legal migrants.

The data also shows that 2,663 migrants have been convicted of stealing a vehicle, but are not detained by ICE. An additional 1,593 migrants face theft charges and are also not detained.

The data does not show how many Americans have been killed or injured by migrant drivers.

The data was provided to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) on September 25 by Patrick Lechleitner, the acting chief of ICE. Cities “‘Sanctuary’ policies can end up shielding dangerous criminals, who often victims these same communities,” Lechleitner wrote.

Auto insurance rates climb as more drivers crash their cars and as more autos are stolen.

The connection between the White House’s migration policy and Americans’ monthly insurance rates is spotlighted in Springfield, OH., where insurance bills are rising by roughly 30 percent because the 20,000 imported Haitian migrants are crashing and damaging their cars at very high rates.

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