(Not The Bee) I feel bad for that one guy out there who is surprised by this.
Facebook gave Netflix all your private messages on Messenger in exchange for all your watch history, while Netflix paid them $100M+ for ads.
Source: @deedydas pic.twitter.com/R7QWxCVx33
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) April 2, 2024
That’s according to “court documents unsealed on March 23 that were filed last April as part of a major anti-trust lawsuit against Meta.” The suitwas brought by two U.S. citizens; in it, they allege that shortly after Netflix co-founder and executive chairman Reed Hastings joined Facebook’s board of directors, the two companies struck a lucrative and secretive agreement (citations omitted):
Facebook’s and Netflix’s API agreement allowed the companies to access very personal information from the other’s respective platform:
So Netflix reportedly gave Facebook everything you watch, and Facebook gave Netflix your entire friends’ list and what you were saying to them.

The high-dollar deal continued: By early 2015, “Netflix was spending $40 million per year on Facebook advertising, and had entered into an agreement allowing Netflix user data to be used for ‘targeting/optimization’ in Facebook’s ads systems,” according to the suit.