
Cultural Norm? 20-Year-Old Spanish Gypsy Acquitted Of Impregnated 12-year-Old – ‘Within The Gypsy Culture It Is Normal Behavior’

It’s no different than what LGBTQ supporters want to do with laws to make child pedophilia ‘normal’ in the US

Not The Bee

(Not The Bee) Here we go, ladies and gents, pedophilia is being tested in the Spanish courts and you’ll never guess what the outcome is (you will).

Yes, apparently in Spain, even though the legal age of consent is 16, it’s okay to impregnate a 12-year-old, but only if you say you’re a Gypsy.

True story.

No, this is not The Babylon Bee.

This is real life.

Where child rape is viewed through the lens of “context.”

From a Spanish news outlet:

So if you claim you’re a Gypsy, and also claim that it’s part of Gypsy culture to keep a child wife (it’s really not), you’re okay to be a pedophile and rape eleven- and twelve-year-olds.

Spain, please don’t let the illegals get word of this new precedent. They’ll be Gypsies in no time.

And get this: This isn’t the first we’re seeing of this Gypsies-are-allowed-to-rape-children argument in Spain.

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