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Can’t Cheat, Can’t Win — NY Times Admits Democrats Won’t Win Georgia With New Election ‘Integrity’ Laws In Place

Gateway Pundit

(Gateway Pundit) Every once in a while, The New York Times accidentally publishes a brutally honest report.

Nick Coransaniti admitted on Monday in a piece for The New York Times that the new election laws in Georgia and new election integrity rules will likely cost Democrats the election.

They’re obviously telling us they cheat.

Maybe the new laws in Georgia ought to be the blueprint for saving the election and the United States from the dirty Marxists!?

As reported earlier, the Georgia Election Board has voted 3-2 in favor of a new rule mandating that election workers compare the total number of ballots cast with the total number of unique voter ID numbers in the system.

This rule aims to ensure that every vote cast in the state is legitimate and that any discrepancies are thoroughly investigated before election results can be certified.

The new rule, reported by former RNC official and Trump’s spokeswoman Liz Harrington, is set to overhaul how precincts handle election returns.

Under the rule, if discrepancies are found in any precinct—where the number of ballots exceeds the number of unique voter IDs—the counties are required to withhold certification of the election results until the suspected fraud is fully investigated and resolved.

According to the newly approved regulation, the Georgia Election Board members are tasked with scrutinizing the voting data in each precinct. Specifically, the rule stipulates:

Tabulating Results: After each election, but no later than 3 PM on the Friday following the election, the Election Board must conduct a review of precinct returns. This includes tabulating all absentee ballots, advance voting, Election Day in-person voting, and provisional ballots. The total number of unique voter IDs will then be compared with the total ballots cast in each precinct.

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