
CBS Backing Their ’60 Minutes’ Hit Piece On Florida Governor DeSantis Despite Being Told It Was Fake News

’60 Minutes’ producer claimed in email to DeSantis office ‘deadline has passed’ for interview with Florida emergency management director

Credit: Fox News


One of the prominent Florida Democrats who has spoken out against the controversial “60 Minutes” report targeting Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is shedding light on what exactly he told CBS News.

Members of both parties have accused the venerable newsmagazine show of concocting a “hit piece” accusing the potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate of engaging in a “pay-for-play” scheme involving the grocery store chain Publix. CBS News issued a statement on Tuesday defending its Sunday night report.

“When Florida state data revealed people of color were vaccinated at a much lower rate than their wealthier neighbors, ‘60 Minutes’ reported the facts surrounding the vaccine’s rollout, which is controlled by the governor,” a CBS News spokesperson told Fox News. “We requested and conducted interviews with dozens of sources and authorities involved.

We requested an interview with Gov. Ron DeSantis, he declined; we spoke to State Emergency Management Director Jared Moskowitz twice, but he declined to be interviewed on camera for our story until well after our deadline. The idea we ignored their perspective is untrue.

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