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Andy Ngo Trial: City Of Portland Is Not Only The Country’s Biggest Sh*thole, But Now It’s A City Where Justice ISN’T Served

Just another reason for conservatives to avoid visiting Portland

Not The Bee

(Not The Bee) If you’re a conservative I would really, really think twice before venturing into a Democrat city.

This latest trial in Portland shows the dangers of being conservative in blue America.


Andy Ngo is a journalist who covers and investigates Antifa, the radical left terrorist organization that terrorizes Democrat cities all across the nation, but especially in the Pacific Northwest.

He was known by Antifa and when he showed up at one of their rallies he was viciously and physically assaulted by multiple Antifa members. This has happened multiple times. Here are the links to a few videos.

[Strong language and violence]


Andy was viciously assaulted multiple times on video. In some of the cases, he knows the names of exactly who was involved.

Ngo sued Rose City Antifa in Portland, the Marxist militant group behind the attacks (not to mention countless damage to the city).

I say all this to show you how radical the jury was.

It gets worse: The defense lawyer for the Antifa rioters proudly claimed “I am Antifa” and even wore a T-shirt with those words emblazoned on it.

The lawyer claimed to be part of the terrorist group she was representing and the entire jury went along with, “Well, they’re just fighting fascists. Andy Ngo must have deserved it.”

The attorney “admitted” that some of the Antifa people may have been terrorists, but her entire case was that Andy Ngo really got what he deserved when he was beaten in the street.

Yes, she called Ngo a doxxer because he shares police mugshots of Antifa terrorists. This line of defense was so effective that, according to the judge, the defense lawyer convinced some members of the jury that they weren’t safe from being doxxed.

The whole case from the defense was not that the defendants, two in particular who were on video attacking Ngo, were innocent. It was instead all about how anti-fascism is a noble cause and that Andy Ngo isn’t a real journalist.

(Because we all know you’re allowed to assault people on the street UNLESS they’re real journalists.)

But, in the end, Ngo lost.

The jury found the defendants not liable.


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