(Not The Bee) Just a reminder that if you’re a psychopathic criminal breaking into a home on the American frontier, you’re more likely than not to find a gun waiting for you on the other side of the door:
To quote Aerosmith incorrectly, Granny’s got a gun!
“Justifiable” is an understatement. The 85-year-old, Christine Jenneiahn, was woken up in the middle of the night when 39-year-old Derek Condon broke into her home and shoved a gun and flashlight into her face:
The perp reportedly struck Jenneiahn on the head hard enough to draw blood, after which he “handcuffed Jenneiahn and took her to the living room.”
The criminal subsequently “demanded she tell him where the valuables were kept in her home” and threatened multiple times to kill her:
While turning over the house, Condon realized that “Jenneiahn’s disabled son was also in the home.” This prompted further threats from Condon.
The elderly woman, meanwhile, boldly took a dangerous opportunity to obtain her firearm:
At this point in the story we’re all pretty much on the edge of our seats, if not completely off them.

As an aside, you’ve gotta love this polite midwestern old lady stuff: the woman grabs her hand cannon from under her pillow, and instead of putting two or three into this violent criminal the second he walks back into the room, she “waited to see what [he] did.”