
Rasmussen Poll Shows Trump Indictment Is Backfiring, Voters Agree Trump Prosecution A ‘Banana Republic’ – Bad for America, Good For Trump

32% Of Democrats believe it will help Trump win election in 2024

National Pulse

(National Pulse) Fifty five percent of likely voters in the United States believe that the indictment and attempted prosecution of former U.S. President Donald J. Trump is “bad for America,” according to a poll conducted last week by Rasmussen Reports.

The controversy surrounding the prosecution appears to have reached the ears of both parties, with more than a third, 34 percent, of Democrats seeing it as a negative for the country, and even 31 percent of self-described “Liberal” voters concurring.


Rasmussen pollsters also asked the same voters their thoughts on the following statement made by Francey Hakes, a former Federal Prosecutor, who said “[t]his is a serious time because this is banana republic sort of stuff. Using the law as a weapon against a political opponent is so wrong.”

A whopping 64 percent agreed with the statement, with 48 percent of that figure “strongly” agreeing. Twenty eight percent disagree, with 20 percent disagreeing “strongly.”

The best example of how the issue is backfiring against the left appears when voters are asked whether the indictment will make it more likely that Trump winds the 2024 election. Almost a third — 32 percent — of Democrats answered, “more likely.” Forty-two percent of likely voters said “more likely,” with 29 percent saying “less likely”.

Worthy of note, however, is that one in five Republican voters say it may make a Trump ’24 ticket  “less likely,” perhaps demonstrating more work ahead of Team Trump to win those people over.


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