
Trump Joined Rumble After They Changed Their ‘Terms Of Service’ To Prohibit ‘Anti-Semitic’ And ‘Hateful Speech’

Credit: Information Liberation


Gab CEO Andrew Torba revealed earlier this month that Donald Trump never joined Gab because Jared Kushner “specifically had problems with people [on the site] criticizing Jewish people, and Zionism, and policies related to Israel.”

“I mean, that’s specifically what I was told, is ‘You have to do something about these people.'” Torba said during an interview with TruNews. “He called them Jew haters, I call them Jew criticizers.”

Torba said his refusal to “sell out” and “compromise on Gab’s free speech policies” was a deal-breaker for Kushner and Trump’s handlers.

“Some of these people believe that anyone who criticizes or even has remotely any sort of criticism towards Jewish people or towards Israel or towards international policy, is all of a sudden an anti-Semite right, which is totally absurd on its face,” Torba continued.

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