
Video: Elon Musk Determined To Destroy The ‘Woke Mind Virus’ Of The LGBTQ Cult – ‘I Lost My Son’

‘I was told that Xavier might commit suicide. So I was tricked into doing this’

The Post Millennial

(PM.) Elon Musk told Jordan Peterson that his son was killed by the “woke mind virus” during a lengthy, wide-ranging interview. Musk has said he is determined to “destroy the woke mind virus” after losing his son to the gender cult. Musk said “gender affirming care” is not only a bad euphemism but evil. He also said that puberty blockers are “sterilization drugs” and that the entire undertaking of child sex changes is “macabre.”

“I lost my son, essentially,” explained Musk in an interview with psychologist Jordan Peterson. “My son Xavier is dead, killed by the woke mind virus… So I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that.” He discussed how absurd it is that children can’t get tattoos but that they can take “permanent actions” toward sex changes.

Musk claimed that he was “tricked” into allowing his son to undergo medical transition based on the disproved lie that not greenlighting a child’s transition will cause them to commit suicide. “It’s incredibly evil,” said Musk. He also said that persons promoting the medical transition of minors should go to prison.

Peterson brought up the topic of transgender ideology because of Musk’s recent announcement to move his business headquarters out of California. Musk made the announcement after governor Gavin Newsom recently signed a bill that bans schools from notifying parents when their children want to socially transition their gender.

“It’s the final straw,” said Musk. “I’ve had conversations with Newsom before where I said if you pass legislation like this—that in my view puts children in danger—I will move my companies out of California.”

“He’s pandering to the far left,” said Musk.

Peterson, a vocal critic of the gender industry and the medicalization of gender non-conforming kids, told Musk that he believes the practice is the greatest medical scandal in history—even compared to Nazi eugenics. “At least the bloody Nazis knew it was wrong, and tried to hide it,” said Peterson. He went on to ask Musk what motivates him to speak out against gender ideology, at which point Musk opened up about his personal life and his son.

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