
2020 Repeat: Georgia Secretary Of State Brad Raffensperger And Sidekick Gabe Sterling Already Working To Sway Election For Biden In 2024

Gateway Pundit

(Gateway Pundit) In November 2020 The Gateway Pundit published information on a little known YouTube video with only about 50 views at the time. In the video that was posted in August 2020, Gabriel Sterling joins in to discuss a number of things regarding the election process.

Gabriel Sterling was appointed the COO of the Secretary of State’s office by Brad Raffensperger shortly after Raffensperger was elected to the position in November 2018.

Sterling, as COO, would be in charge of budgetary, human resources and administrative operations for the Secretary of State’s office. Sterling, strangely, has also been referred to, in multiple media accounts, as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager.”

Starting at the 7:00 mark Sterling brags about expanding the emergency rule to provide for drop boxes to go through the entire election cycle now. Again this video was published in August 2020.

At the 8:00 mark Sterling brags about hiring election poll workers from the ACLU to work the elections in the state.

Here is the video.

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