
Congressional Client Judge Merchan’s Daughter Helped Coach Michael Cohen For Cross-Examination In Trump Case

The National Pulse

(National Pulse) Representative Daniel Goldman (D-NY) admits helping prepare disgraced and disbarred attorney Michael Cohen for his cross-examination in the Manhattan-based hush money trial of former President Donald J. Trump. The New York Democrat, who served as lead counsel during the first Trump impeachment, is a client of Authentic Campaigns, where the daughter of the trial judge, Juan Merchan, works as a partner.

“I have deposed Michael Cohen. I have met with him a number of times to preparehim,” Rep. Goldman said during an appearance on MSNBC‘s Morning Joe earlier today. The New York Democrat intimated to hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski that he has actively crafted Cohen‘s strategy for handling the cross-examination by Trump‘s defense attorneys, which is expected to occur later today.

Attorneys for the former President have demanded Judge Merchan recuse himself from the trial over numerous conflicts of interest related to his daughter LorenMerchan‘s campaign fundraising business and her potential profiting from the prosecution of Trump. Thus far, the Democrat-aligned judge has refused the recusal requests.

Instead, he issued a gag order on the former President, which prohibits him from responding to attacks by prosecution witnesses — including serial perjurer Michael Cohen and porn star Stormy Daniels. Additionally, Trump has been barred from mentioning the judge’s daughter and her ties to a bevy of national Democratic Party leaders who have urged on the lawfare campaign against Trump.

The National Pulse has reported extensively on Loren Merchan’s ties to top national Democratic Party leaders. Her firm, Authentic Campaigns, has a notable list of clients, including the Democratic Attorneys General Association and, by conjunction, Letitia James. Other clients named are Russia hoax propagator Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Brennan Center — which backed Democrats’ failed efforts to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot — and Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris.


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