
Court Orders Biden-Harris To Finish Trump’s Border Wall, White House Won’t Appeal Ruling


(mrcTV) The Biden Administration will not appeal a court order obtained by Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey requiring it to finish construction of the federally-funded southwest border wall required by a law passed during the Trump Administration.

“This is a huge win for the Constitution and the rule of law,” AG Bailey told CNS News Tuesday in an exclusive statement, adding that the administration’s decision to abide by the court order shows that Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris finally realizes both the ineffectiveness and political cost of her failed border policies:

Since taking office, Pres. Joe Biden has refused to use the dedicated federal funds to continue building the wall to deter illegal immigration. But, on March 8 of this year, Attorney General Bailey obtained a court order requiring the Biden Administration to use the congressionally appropriated funds to finish building the barrier along the southern border.

As Attorney General Bailey explained in a press release at the time:

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