
Democrat Officials Proved How Corrupt They Were As One Now Admits They Signed ‘Disinformation Letter’ On Hunter Biden’s Laptop Knowing It Was True

They still don’t regret their actions in censoring the New York Posts story

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

(TownHall) When younger Americans ask when American institutions lost their credibility, I’ll direct them to the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee.

For all the talk about Trump being a threat to these establishments, the call was coming from inside the house, from the Democratic Party, which was willing to do anything to win an election in 2020. When news broke that a laptop from Hunter Biden was discovered and its contents reviewed, exposing alleged dirty deals with disreputable characters—the October Surprise had arrived.


There was a problem: the liberal media and their allies in Silicon Valley suffocated the story. The New York Post, which obtained a copy of the hard drive from Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, had their social media account frozen for days after they initially reported on the development. It saved Biden’s presidential campaign. It was routinely dismissed as Russian disinformation by those we trust to protect this country.

Now, one former top intelligence official admits that he knew the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop were authentic but signed the letter by current and former spooks, all Democratic Party allies, who said this was a Russian spy game (via NY Post):




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