(Gateway Pundit) Shortly after the announcement was made today that an NYC jury found President Trump guilty of 34 ridiculous charges, based on an unfair case heard in a courtroom led by a dirty, far-left judge and prosecuted by a Soros-funded NYC DA, President Trump’s donor campaign website crashed from an excessive amount of traffic.
In addition to everyday Americans racing to help fund President Trump’s re-election campaign, an unlikely donor also made a sizeable contribution to President Trump’s 2024 campaign following the announcement of the jury’s verdict.
Only moments after the 34 guilty charges were announced, Sequoia Capitol Partner Shaun Maguire made a $300,000 donation to Trump’s 2024 campaign.

According to the Sequoia Capitol website, Maguire has partnered with Elon Musk’s successful Boring Company since 2020. Is it possible that Elon Musk helped to “red-pill” Maguire?

“I just donated $300k to President Trump. The timing isn’t a coincidence,” Maguire wrote in a tweet:
I just donated $300k to President Trump
The timing isn’t a coincidence https://t.co/LDU4nJ8FBx
— Shaun Maguire (@shaunmmaguire) May 30, 2024
In another tweet, Maguire included a link that takes the reader to a comprehensive explanation for his decision to donate $300,000 to President Trump following the NYC jury’s decision:
“I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why.
Back in 2016, I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such, I donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her.
By 2020, I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option.
Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.
I know that I’ll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I still believe it’s the right thing to do.
I refuse to live in a society where people are afraid to speak.
The 2016 Election
I’m going to start off with something provocative, but I think it leads to a different take on the most controversial Trump issue, which is obviously January 6th. So here goes nothing.
I believe the 2016 election was manipulated to hurt Hilary Clinton and to help Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton herself believes this; she has denied the 2016 election result dozens of times and still does to this day. Plot twist: I agree with her! Look into Guccifer 2.0, which was the “hacker group” that strategically leaked her emails (through Wikileaks) in a drip campaign at just the right moments. Turns out it was the Russian GRU. And remember all those fake news and bot farms? These incidents are the tip of the spear — some of the publicly known incidents. There was extreme manipulation happening during the 2016 election.
Before proceeding, please watch at least 30 seconds of this video. It’s “24 straight minutes of Democrats denying election results.”
Russia (and others) interfering in the 2016 election was nothing new; this happens in every election, everywhere in the world. Obviously.
But for me, as someone that used to work in National Security, Russia’s implicit support for Trump made me deathly afraid of him getting elected as President.
I was wrong, and Russia miscalculated. President Trump turned out to be a master of foreign policy and particularly strong towards Russia. If you’ve never seen it before, please watch this two-minute clip from Trump at a NATO breakfast 5 years ago.
For other Trump foreign policy wins, he: a) signed the Abraham Accords, b) successfully put Iran in the penalty box, which the Biden administration immediately unwound, and c) he helped India see the dangers of having their comms networks controlled by China, resulting in Huawei and TikTok bans there.
My “radicalization” towards the center
August 16th, 2021 was the day I knew I could never support Joe Biden or any of the senior officials in his administration. This was the day that Afghans fell to their deaths from US C-17 airplanes at the Kabul International Airport, or KAIA as ISAF forces referred to it.
Back in 2012, I deployed to Afghanistan, working for DARPA. I used to fly out of KAIA at least weekly, usually taking a Blackhawk to Bagram Airfield (BAF), but sometimes jumping on a C-130 down to Kandahar (KAF).