
Help Elect Trump: Turning Point Action Launches ‘Commit 100’ Ballot-Chasing Operation In Arizona And Wisconsin, Urges Volunteers to Sign Up

(Breitbart) Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point Action (TPAction) has launched “Commit 100,” which the organization calls “the largest and most sophisticated ballot-chasing operation in the conservative movement,” and is urging activists to sign up and “commit to chasing 100 early ballots and 100 election-day ballots.”

“The most common question I get is ‘Charlie what can I do to help?’ Well, now you can travel to Arizona or Wisconsin and join Commit 100 to chase 100 early ballots and 100 Election Day ballots. We’ll pay for your accommodations,” Kirk announced in a Monday X post.

“Doing nothing is a ticket to tyranny,” the Turning Point Action founder added. “Bodies = ballots in boxes.”

Kirk went on to explain that his organization “has officially launched COMMIT 100, an extension of Chase the Vote – the largest ballot chasing operation in the movement,” and he informed activists that they can sign up by visiting or

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