
Inside Job? Secret Service Whistleblower Comes Forward With Earth-Shattering Claim About Second Trump Assassination Attempt

(BPR) Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is demanding answers after his office received a letter from a whistleblower making some shocking claims.

The allegations revolve around the second apparent assassination attempt targeting former President Donald Trump and what the Secret Service knew.

“My office has received new whistleblower information regarding the most recent attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump, raising troubling questions about Secret Service protocols on that day,” Hawley explained.

“A whistleblower with direct knowledge of Secret Service protection at former President Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach – an individual who has in fact protected President Trump at that very location – alleges there were ‘known vulnerabilities’ in the fence line surrounding the course: places that offer a clear line of sight to the former president and others playing the course,” the letter continues. “As a result, the whistleblower alleges it has been Secret Service protocol to ‘post up’ agents at these vulnerable spots when Trump visits the course. That apparently did not happen on September 15. Instead, the gunman was permitted to remain along or near the fence line for some 12 hours.”

“It is further unclear from your recent press conference whether agents swept the perimeter of the golf course at any point, or whether drones were used to surveil the fence line. The reality is that the would-be assassin should never have been able to linger around the course for that long undetected.”

Hawley demanded to know how much of what the whistleblower was claiming could be true by asking five incredibly direct questions.

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