
Mugshot Of Tim Walz Resurfaces After His DUI Arrest, Drove 96 MPH In A 55 Zone – Democrats Already Using Excuses

Gateway Pundit

(Gateway Pundit) A mugshot of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has resurfaced, bringing to light his past brush with the law.

The incident in question dates back to 1995 when Walz was arrested for driving at a staggering 96 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone. Instead of taking responsibility, he claimed to be “deaf” in an attempt to evade the consequences of his actions.

According to police reports obtained by Alpha News, officers detected “a strong odor of alcoholic beverage” on Walz’s breath. He failed both field sobriety and breath tests, registering a blood alcohol level of .128—well above the legal limit. Initially charged with DUI and speeding, Walz ultimately struck a plea deal that reduced his charges to reckless driving.

During his campaign for Congress in 2006, Walz’s team attempted to downplay the severity of the incident by attributing his erratic behavior to his claimed “deafness,” which he stated was caused by his service in the National Guard.

His campaign manager insisted that Walz was not drunk and “couldn’t understand what the officer was saying.”

Walz asserted that his deafness, which has since been “surgically corrected,” led to balance issues and communication problems with the arresting officer. However, neither the trooper’s report nor the court transcript mentioned Walz’s hearing issues, according to Alpha News.

The news outlet reported:

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