(Not The Bee) Dudes! They are so desperate!
The Atlantic, and now the Harris-Biden Administration, are going all-in on “Trump is literally Hitler” because that’s all they’ve got left in the tank.
Yesterday, The Atlantic ran a piece claiming that Trump said he “needed generals like Hitler.”
Never mind that those close to the situation completely denied that it happened…
I don’t appreciate how you are exploiting my sister’s death for politics- hurtful & disrespectful to the important changes she made for service members. President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family & Vanessa. In fact, I voted for President Trump today. https://t.co/o8cDrKOKBV— Mayra Guillen (@mguilen_) October 22, 2024

And that The Atlantic lied about those statements …
On the left: I sent Atlantic a comment saying President Trump “absolutely did not say that,” referring to the alleged comments about Ms. Guillen they printed.
On the right: Atlantic translated that comment to “didn’t hear Trump say it.”
Treat this dishonest piece accordingly. pic.twitter.com/pM1o1c9fEm
— Ben Williamson (@_WilliamsonBen) October 22, 2024
Also never mind that this came from the same source as the suckers and losers hoax.
You’re telling me John Kelly suddenly remembered a conversation about Hitler that allegedly happened in 2020 just two weeks before the election of 2024? pic.twitter.com/iMgrovoEjf
— RBe (@RBPundit) October 23, 2024
Yeah, we’re supposed to ignore that The Atlantic is publishing this two weeks prior to the election, and Kamala Harris is using it as a cudgel from behind a government podium.
BREAKING: Kamala Harris instantly seizes upon an already DEBUNKED hoax from the Atlantic and weaponizes it to attack Donald Trump:
“Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the death of six million Jews.”
They’re going to get Trump killed. Pray. pic.twitter.com/OBKAWedqqf
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 23, 2024