
Propaganda Czar: New Report Shows George Soros Has Connections To 253 Global Media Organizations, Gives Him Ability To Push Propaganda, Craft A Narrative

Soros’s narrative is used by the mainstream media to brainwash the public

(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)


(Daily Caller) Left-wing billionaire George Soros has connections with 253 global media organizations, a new report by Media Researcher Center Business found.

The conservative watchdog group alleged that Soros can “mold public opinion on practically every continent” through his international connections, according to Tuesday’s report written by Joseph Vasquez, MRC’s Associate Editor for Business & Free Speech America, and Dan Schneider, MRC Business Vice President. The connections are established through his “multi-million dollar efforts” to promote his “open society agenda” which, according to the report, include “some of the most radical leftist ideas on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism.”

“His global media clout is massive,” the pair wrote. “An extensive analysis by MRC Business discovered at least 253 news and activist media organizations across the world financed by Soros’ philanthropic organizations. These groups wield massive power over information in international politics.”



The report also alleges that Soros’ connections with global media organizations makes him more friendly with reporters who may not view him as “a target for investigation.”

Tuesday’s release, titled “Propaganda Czar: Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media,” is the first of a three-part installment into Soros’ relationship with the international media.

“When you look at the media landscape today the great bulk of media seems to be talking off the same songbook,” Schneider told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “They’re attacks against regular Americans seem to be coordinated and purposeful. So we wanted to look into how this is happening and we’re discovering that a lot of money coming from George Soros goes to these actors around the world, and in the US, who do have a coordinated attack against freedom and against the American values that we all grew up with.”

Organizations labeled to be Soros-influenced included the journalism training organization The Poynter Institute, who reportedly received $492,000 from Soros between 2016-2020 to fund its International Fact-Checking Network, and Project Syndicate, known as “The World’s Opinion Page,” which received $1,532,105 during the same timeframe.

Free Press, openDemocracy, Media Democracy Fund, were also listed in the report. National Public Radio (NPR) reportedly received “$600,000 from Soros’ foundation in 2016.”


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