
Surprising? Former Biden Stenographer Claims Biden Blackmailed Obama With Threats of Exposing His Alleged Homosexual Affairs

Rumors have swirled for years about Obama and the biological gender of his ‘wife’ Michelle

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(Gateway Pundit) Mike McCormick, a former White House stenographer who worked with Joe Biden, claimed during an interview with Alex Jones that Biden used potential damaging information to manipulate Barack Obama.

McCormick alleges that Biden threatened to expose Obama’s supposed homosexual affairs unless certain conditions were met, wielding this information as a tool for political leverage.

Mike McCormick is a former White House stenographer who worked closely with Joe Biden during his tenure as Vice President. In this role, McCormick was responsible for accurately transcribing speeches, meetings, and other communications involving Biden and other governmental officials.

His firsthand experience provided him with an intimate perspective on the operations and inner workings of the Obama regime.

He wrote a book titled “The Case to Impeach and Imprison Joe Biden,” an eyewitness account of six years as Joe Biden’s White House stenographer.

According to his book:

During the interview with Alex Jones, McCormick claimed Biden discovered potentially scandalous information about Obama’s private life early in their partnership and used it to ensure his place as a close and indispensable advisor.

The evidence for these allegations, according to McCormick, lay in the Air Force One passenger manifest. He claimed that there were several instances where Obama would travel alone to Chicago or California without his family, raising questions about his activities during these trips.

When asked if he believed Biden was blackmailing Obama with homosexuality, McCormick agreed, suggesting that this was the reason Biden received many significant assignments during their time in office.

You can watch the full 1-hour interview below:

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