
Undercover Video: Planned Parenthood Execs Allegedly Get Caught Discussing The Sale Of Fetus Body Parts

New York Post

(New York Post) A pro-life activist investigated for criminal activity by then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris in 2015 released undercover footage Tuesday showing Planned Parenthood executives apparently discussing the sale of body parts from late-term fetuses, some of which had been delivered alive and mostly intact.

David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), who posed with a colleague as laboratory wholesalers at the National Abortion Federation’s commercial trade show in 2015, videotaped two conversations with Dr. Ann Schutt-Ainé, the chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, and Tram Nguyen, RN, the branch’s vice president of abortion access.

While the CMP has always contended that Daleiden’s videos revealed illegalities, Planned Parenthood said at the time the initial videos were released that their staffers were discussing legal, not-for-profit donation of fetal tissue to research firms.

But Daleiden claims these newly released videos show even more demonstratively that Planned Parenthood’s talking points at the time were false — and that staff was engaged in wrongdoing.

“Schutt-Ainé and Nguyen described dismembering the fetuses after delivery to get around possible violations of the federal partial-birth abortion law,” Daleiden, who calls himself a citizen journalist, told The Post.

Two women talking
Dr. Ann Schutt-Ainé, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, is seen discussing fetal body parts in the video. The Center for Medical Progress

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