(Not The Bee) It seems like hyperbole, but next week, the Federal Communications Commission is set to vote on adopting the Biden administration‘s plan for a sweeping takeover of the entire internet from the ground up.

The plan is couched in the language of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, (DIE) under the auspices of providing broadband connectivity for the 42 million Americans without access to broadband, but FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr says it equates to little more than a hostile government takeover of the industry.
Next week, the FCC will vote on President Biden’s plan to give the Administrative State effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure.
I oppose President Biden’s sweeping, unprecedented, and unlawful plan.https://t.co/m4EE4s4d4B pic.twitter.com/ZMafDVG6Cd
— Brendan Carr (@BrendanCarrFCC) November 6, 2023
According to Carr,
The FCC will have the ability to regulate “actions and omissions, whether recurring or a single instance.”
Meaning broadband providers could be penalized if they take action or do nothing.
The penalties can include “forfeiture proceedings,” so the government can just take a broadband provider’s business as its own no matter what they do.
Carr says the plan,