
Satirical Website Babylon Bee Publishes List Of Nearly 70 Satirical Stories That Recently “Came True”

Gateway Pundit


In a time when nothing seems to make sense – up is down, the sky is purple, your lyin’ eyes deceive you, and what is a woman, even? – The Babylon Bee, which publishes strictly-satirical news commentary, is proving to be one of the more reliable(ish) news outlets currently in circulation.

The sad part is – they aren’t trying to, like, at all. Which really speaks to the current state of the fake news media.


Earlier this week, Seth Dillon, the Bee’s CEO, released an astounding list of nearly 70 “satirical” stories that have recently “come true,” including stories like “2+2=4, insists close-minded bigot” and “Researchers Determine the Science has Changed after Carefully Examining Poll Numbers.”

According to The Daily Wire, which spoke with Dillon following the release, the Bee CEO was modest when asked about the accuracy of the satire, explaining how he doesn’t “think we’re all that good at predicting the future.” Instead, he chalked up the direct hits to failing to keep up with the rapidly shifting baseline of reality.

And, a lot of the accuracy has to do with the crazy leftist idealogues that make his job easy, he added.

Dillon explained to The Daily Wire:

He did take some credit though. Quoting from William Shakespeare’s King Lear, Dillon added: “Jesters do oft prove prophets,” when announcing the list.

Just call him Babylonstradamus.

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