
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Recognizes Fellow Floridian Emma Weyant As NCAA Swimming Champ, Not Biological Male Lia Thomas

“The number one woman who finished was from Sarasota. She won the silver medal. She’s been an absolute superstar, her whole career,” DeSantis said of Emma Weyant.

Credit: The Post Millennial


On Tuesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed the NCAA for allowing biological male swimmer Lia Thomas to compete against women, and proclaimed that the second place finisher, Sarasota Olympian Emma Weyant, was the true winner of the 500 yard freestyle race.

“If you look at what the NCAA has done, by allowing basically men to compete in women’s athletics. In this case, the swimming you had, the number one woman who finished was from Sarasota. She won the silver medal. She’s been an absolute superstar, her whole career. She trains, I mean, to compete at that level is very, very difficult. And you don’t just roll out of bed and do it. That takes grit, that takes determination. And she’s been an absolute superstar and she had the fastest time, of any woman in college athletics,” DeSantis said.

“Now the NCAA is basically taking efforts to destroy women’s athletics. They’re trying to undermine the integrity of the competition and they’re crowning somebody else, the woman’s champion and we think that’s wrong. And so this is a Floridian who I think deserves to be recognized,” he added.

DeSantis continued on to proclaim that Emma Weyant is the best female swimmer in the 500 freestyle, and slam the NCAA for allowing Lia Thomas to compete.


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