
Systemic Incompetence: Georgia Judge Christina Peterson Removed From Office After Believing She Was ‘Above The Law’ – 30 Cases Brought Against Her

Daily Mail

(Daily Mail) A Georgia judge who was recently arrested for allegedly hitting a cop outside of an Atlanta nightclub has been hit with more bad news.

Douglaston County Probate Judge Christina Peterson, 38, was removed from office on Tuesday, following an investigation into separate ethics charges.

The Georgia Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that 12 out of 30 cases brought against Peterson, a two-term Democrat, warranted discipline and ruled that she be removed from the bench effective immediately.

She is now also not eligible to be elected or appointed to any future judicial positions in the entire state for seven years, Fox News reports.  

The decision comes on the heels of Judicial Qualifications Commission ruling, which found her guilty of ‘systemic incompetence’ in April and recommended her removal.

Douglaston County Probate Judge Christina Peterson, 38, was removed from office on Tuesday

In one of the cases cited by the Georgia Supreme Court on Tuesday, Peterson decided to jail a naturalized US citizen who simply wanted to amend her marriage license with the name of her real father.

PJ Skelton, a Thai immigrant who was married in Douglas County in 2016, explained to the hearing panel last year that she has no memories of her father – and instead listed her uncle on her marriage certificate, because he was the one who raised her.

But when she tried to correct the issue, Peterson told her to come to court.

The judge then ruled that Skelton was trying to defraud the court and sentenced her to a maximum of 20 days in jail – which she said could be reduced to two hours if she paid a $500 fine.

Skelton ultimately paid the fine, and spent 48 hours behind bars.

She told the panel she had not expected the judge to act that way, and noted that Peterson never advised her to bring a lawyer with her.

The panel ultimately found that Skelton was acting ‘in good faith trying to correct’ what appeared to be ‘an innocent mistake borne out of ignorance, rather than ill-intent,’ according to court documents obtained by Fox.

It also found that Peterson made ‘untruthful’ testimony to the panel when trying to defend her ruling, which they claimed ‘underscores her conscious wrongdoing.’

The Georgia Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that 12 out of 30 cases brought against Peterson, a two-term Democrat, warranted discipline
The Georgia Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that 12 out of 30 cases brought against Peterson, a two-term Democrat, warranted discipline 

The commission also accused Peterson of flouting courthouse security protocols, specifically during a wedding held after-hours inside her courthouse without security screening.

The charges further involve making inappropriate social media posts promoting her part-time acting career and ignoring a sheriff’s order.

Moreover, unlike her predecessor, Peterson chose to keep all birth and death certificate fees in addition to her salary, a practice that while legal, is viewed as unethical.

In 2022, Peterson – at this point a six-year vet – kept $140,485 in fees, pushing her yearly compensation to $265,487, records show.

The year before, she pocketed $139,447 in fees, making her total income $265,862.

By comparison, in 2022 the chief justice for the Georgia Supreme Court made $216,593.

Her removal from office comes just days after she was arrested for allegedly hitting a cop outside of an Atlanta nightclub
Her removal from office comes just days after she was arrested for allegedly hitting a cop outside of an Atlanta nightclub
Peterson claims she was unfairly arrested while trying to be a Good Samaritan
Peterson claims she was unfairly arrested while trying to be a Good Samaritan

Peterson was already facing scrutiny for these decisions when she was arrested Thursday for allegedly punching a police officer who was working security at the Red Martini Restaurant.

Cops said she had been engaging in a night of drinking before the altercation, and police worn body camera footage shows the judge, wearing a low-cut dress- wrapped up in a physical fight which allegedly came just seconds before the strike.

It shows how Peterson ran up on the cop and a security guard to help a woman who she claims was ‘attacked’.

The clip goes on to show an uncooperative Peterson conversing with cops in a squad car, telling them to ‘Google her’ while cuffed and visibly distressed.

‘Take me where you wanna take me,’ she says in the video, shared just hours after a press conference was held to discuss the Douglas County Probate Judge’s arrest.

‘You don’t need identification. You have picked up dead bodies when you don’t know who bodies it was, but you picked them up.

‘Take me where you need to take me.’

Peterson told cops to 'Google her' and appeared uncooperative in police body camera footage
Peterson told cops to ‘Google her’ and appeared uncooperative in police body camera footage 
Peterson was seen struggling and writhing through her arrest early Thursday
Peterson was seen struggling and writhing through her arrest early Thursday

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