(Not The Bee) I don’t know how much more diversity and inclusion I can stand!
The first gay mayor of College Park, Maryland, a suburb of Washington DC, has been arrested and you’ll never guess what for.
Patrick Wojahn, the first openly gay mayor of College Park, MD—who was also a regular White House guest and Pete Buttigieg “mentee”—has just been arrested on 56 counts of child porn. pic.twitter.com/ySOtwS3XP7
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) March 3, 2023

From Townhall:
Yeah, any time a powerful LGBT activist wants to make himself into some sort of sexual minority role model for youth…

The mayor had 56(!!!) child sex offenses on the arrest, including possession and distribution of child porn.
The reason they detested our calling them #Groomers is because that is precisely what they are. https://t.co/CfwCeurZdY
— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) March 3, 2023
Wojahn is an open and avid LGBT advocate.
College Park is also a very pro-LGBT town. Even after his arrest, the official city account wished Wojahn nothing but the best!
Yeah, maybe they got a little TOO inclusive if they elect child predators to office.
But hey, Democrats have been doing that for decades! Harvey Milk, anyone?
Wojahn also claims to be mentored by the Biden Transportation Secretary Mayor Pete.