
Impeccable Character: Over 100 Former Law Clerks Write Open Letter In Defense Of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool

(PJ Media) More than 100 former clerks have signed an open letter defending Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s character and integrity. Thomas has been under a withering assault on his character as both he and his wife Ginnie have run afoul of the left’s smear machine.

Ginnie is a conservative lobbyist and the left has been trying to portray her influence on her husband as malignant. But it is the attack on Justice Thomas’s character and integrity that has spurred many of his former clerks to come to his defense.


Thomas has been under fire for accepting gifts and perks from his billionaire friend Harlan Crow, including trips to expensive resorts, private jet flights, and tickets to sporting events.

The open letter refers to Thomas as “a man of greatest intellect, of greatest faith, and of greatest patriotism,” denouncing the smears made against him.

“And these stories are malicious, perpetuating the ugly assumption that the Justice cannot think for himself. They are part of a larger attack on the Court and its legitimacy as an institution,” the letter declared. “The picture they paint of the Court and the man for whom we worked bears no resemblance to reality.”

“As his law clerks, we offer this response.”

Fox News:

“Different paths led us to our year with Justice Thomas, and we have followed different paths since. But along the way, we all saw with our own eyes the same thing: His integrity is unimpeachable. And his independence is unshakable, deeply rooted seven decades ago as that young child who walked through the door of his grandparents’ house for a life forever changed.”

This doesn’t matter to the left — at least when a conservative black man is being smeared. The New Yorkercalled the letter “pathetic” because the clerks failed to specifically address the “charges” against Thomas.

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