
Liberal Election Analyst Nate Silver Has More Bad News For Biden, Democrats Post Debate

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

(PJ Media) Left-leaning political model master Nate Silver has some very bad news for Presidentish Joe Biden with his second election projection, just out Monday evening.

PJ Media’s own Matt Margolis brought you Silver’s first damning report on Biden’s chances last week. “Based on his simulations, he currently gives Trump a 65.7% of winning the Electoral College,” Matt reported two days before Thursday night’s debate debacle, “and a 49% chance of winning the popular vote.”

Since then, Biden’s odds have improved dramatically, and also I’ve been drinking this tasty White House Kool-Aid.

The latest Silver Bulletin (subscription required; I paid so you don’t have to) shows Biden with just a 27.6% chance of winning the Electoral College and 44.2% odds of taking the popular vote. Trump is up heavily in less than a week since the first — or will that be only? — presidential debate.

Silver says that his most recent projection is “probably conservative,” and that things for Biden “will get worse.”

How bad is Silver’s report, really? It’s somehow even worse for Biden than it appears on the surface.

Set your Wayback Machine to November of 2016 when Trump picked off Rust Belt states Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to win the White House against Hillary Clinton. Clinton, I don’t have to remind you, was not just the least likable major party presidential candidate in modern times, she was also the most inept — and had health issues of her own.

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