
Read It: 18 House Republicans Pen Letter Ordering Twitter To Preserve All Documents Related To Elon Musk Takeover Bid

The preservation request is part of Congress’s examination of “how to best protect Americans’ free speech rights”


18 House Judiciary Republicans have formally requested that Twitter preserve all documents and communications related to Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter.

In letters sent to Twitter board members, the House Republicans say the document preservation requests are part of Congress’s continued examination of Big Tech and “how to best protect Americans’ free speech rights.”

The letters add that the outcome of Musk’s proposed takeover could lead to “renewed efforts to legislate in furtherance of preserving free expression online.”

The letters don’t contain any specific legislative proposals but do highlight the growing level of censorship on Twitter and describe the Twitter board’s opposition to Musk’s recent takeover offer as “concerning.” They also point to the board members’ fiduciary duties that require them to act in the best interests of the company’s shareholders.

“These duties apply despite how many corporations’ leaders increasingly pursue progressive policy goals divorced from shareholder interests,” the letters state.

We obtained a copy of the letters for you here.

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