(Daily Mail) Donald Trump has called for the members of the January 6 committee to tried for treason because they ‘knowingly refused’ to share the Capitol riot footage aired by Tucker Carlson.
The former president called members of the Democrat-led panel ‘political hacks and thugs’ that have been ‘totally discredited’ by the new videos.
In his Truth Social post he also called for the release of all jailed January 6 prisoners and suspects after the Fox News host aired more clips on his show on Tuesday night.
It included an interview with a Capitol cop wearing a MAGA hat during the riot who resigned a short time later, believing he had no future in the force.
Carlson has been handed 40,000 hours of footage from inside the Capitol, which House Speaker Kevin McCarthy says was a decision made for transparency.

Donald Trump has called for the members of the January 6 committee to tried for treason because they ‘knowingly refused’ to share the Capitol riot footage aired by Tucker Carlson

The former president called members of the Democrat-led panel ‘political hacks and thugs’ that have been ‘totally discredited’ by the new videos
‘GREAT JOB BY TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT,’ Trump wrote late Tuesday night.
The Unselect Committee of political Hacks & Thugs has been totally discredited.
‘They knowingly refused to show the Videos that mattered. They should be tried for Fraud and Treason, and those imprisoned and being persecuted should be exonerated and released, NOW’.
Treason is punishable by death in the U.S. and the lowest prison sentence is five years.
It is described in the criminal code as: ‘Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.’
On Monday, Carlson claimed that the footage showed the rioters were ‘mostly peaceful’. On Tuesday, he spoke to Lt. Tarik Johnson about the unrest, and Johnson’s infamy after he was seen wearing the hat.
Johnson told Carlson that his bosses had failed them, saying the Capitol Police commanders were ill prepared and did not answer when he radioed seeking guidance.
He said it was shameful that his boss, Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman, who oversaw the department’s operations in the days leading up to the riot, had been praised by Nancy Pelosi and was now in a cozy role heading up policing at the University of California in Berkeley.

Lt. Tarik Johnson is seen on January 6 wearing a MAGA cap

Johnson told Tucker Carlson (right) that when he radioed asking for guidance amid the riot, there was no response
‘The frontline officers and supervisors were not prepared at all,’ Johnson told Carlson.
‘We had no idea we were going to be facing what we faced that day.’
Carlson broadcast footage of Johnson appearing to help protect the members of Congress inside the building when it was stormed.
Johnson was suspended the day after the riot, when footage of him in the MAGA cap emerged.
He then resigned, believing he had no future at the force.
Carlson presented Johnson diligently doing his job.
‘Around 2 o’clock I hear an officer say the Capitol was breached. So I ran inside to assist,’ said Johnson, adding that he locked doors to keep the political leaders safe.
He then radioed his bosses for help.
‘I said something to the effect of, we need direction,’ Johnson said.
‘”What do you want me to do?” Nobody responded.’

Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman, who oversaw the department’s operations in the days leading up to the riot. She was promoted on January 7, but resigned in July 2022

Johnson condemned Pittman’s leadership