
Trump Responds To Jack Smith’s New Indictment After First One Thrown Out – It’s ‘A Direct Assault On Democracy!’

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

(Townhall) Earlier on Tuesday, as Mia covered, Special Counsel Jack Smith filed a new indictment against former and potentially future President Donald Trump in the January 6 case. With considerable righteous indignation, Trump reacted to the news in a series of posts to his Truth Social account.

Trump began with strong words for Smith, referring to the move as “an effort to resurrect a ‘dead’ Witch Hunt in Washington, D.C., in an act of desperation, and in order to save face,” calling Smith out for being “Deranged” and saying he was “illegally appointed.”

In referring to the indictment out as “ridiculous,” he called for it to be “dismissed IMMEDIATELY,” especially as it “has all the problems of the old indictment.”

Trump also called to mind how Smith’s case against Trump for his handling of classified documents has been dismissed by Judge Aileen Cannon, which the former president referred to as the “Florida Document Hoax Case.” Cannon tossed out the case last month, but Smith on Monday filed an appeal with the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse that move.

The post also called to mind the upcoming 2024 election. “This is merely an attempt to INTERFERE WITH THE ELECTION, and distract the American People from the catastrophes Kamala Harris has inflicted on our Nation, like the Border Invasion, Migrant Crime, Rampant Inflation, the threat of World War III, and more[,]” Trump warned.

Trump still had more to say, as he pointed out other details of the timing of the new indictment, including how the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last month in Trump v. United States that the office of the president has immunity from criminal prosecution.

“For them to do this immediately after our Supreme Court Victory on Immunity and more, is shocking,” Trump thus noted. “I’ve also been informed by my attorneys, that you’re not even allowed to bring cases literally right before an Election – A direct assault on Democracy! This is an unprecedented abuse of the Criminal Justice System.”

It was in his concurrence for such a decision that Justice Clarence Thomas raised the idea that special appointments may be unconstitutional.

Continuing with the theme of election interference, Trump charged that “they are the ones that did the obstructing of the Election, not me.”

The Republican nominee noted how this new indictment “[i]nterestingly” came as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerburg sent a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Monday that acknowledged his platform censored information. Trump said that the letter “is a direct acknowledgment that the 2020 Presidential Election was MANIPULATED and RIGGED by the DOJ” and that what’s happening is “the single greatest sabotage of our Democracy in History[.]”

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