Is the world finally waking up to wokeness? It certainly seems that way. Or at least many are beginning to open their eyes.
The idea of wokeness began with noble intentions — to raise public consciousness about the enduring impact of racism, sexism and inequality. But, emboldened by the rise of the #MeToo and BLM movements, it quickly evolved into a severe form of political correctness, forced upon the public, with little tolerance for argument or debate.
The “woke” insisted that people of color be called “BIPOC,” artistic license be deemed “cultural appropriation,” and Latinos be referred to as the gender-neutral “LatinX” — a term few Hispanics like and almost never use. Gender itself was declared to be as elastic and expansive as possible, along with an endless array of pronouns to express every sexual identity.
Embraced by progressive politicians and enshrined in Democratic platforms, anyone who questioned — or felt mildly curious about — these commandments was mocked, ridiculed and ultimately canceled.

Now, fed up with virtue signaling and spooked by the specter of a Republican shellacking come November, more sensibly minded progressives are finally asking whether wokeness matters that much, after all.
There was a time when the BLM movement was sacrosanct. Now, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is being scrutinized for its dubious finances, not just by right-leaning publications, but by progressive pillar New York magazine, which recently exposed the organization for secretly buying a $6 million house in Los Angeles.
As the Supreme Court seems poised to reverse Roe v. Wade, the “woke” mandate of always using gender-inclusive terminology now feels like an overreach, when those born with a uterus are the ones most affected. After former first lady Michelle Obama shared a post using the term “womxn” to voice her support for abortion rights on Instagram, a torrent of criticism followed.