
Good Riddance To The Worst Human Being Ever To Serve As President

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

(PJ Media) Joe Biden is easily the worst human being to hold the office of President of the United States of America. The send-off his own party gave him, as ignominious as it was, was still not nearly as ignominious as he deserved.

First, Biden was forced out of his reelection campaign, months after he’d “won” the nomination in a rigged primary, by a cabal of insiders including his old boss, Barack Obama. You know, the man who reminded fellow Democrats to “never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.” Then his farewell address — angry and disassociated — was bumped out of primetime by an assortment of has-been and never-will-be speakers.

Biden exited the stage last night, largely forgotten before he’d walked onto it.

CNN’s Chris Wallace summed it up best: “The word that everybody is using to describe tonight is bittersweet. It’s just bitter.”

Well, good.

Biden’s economic record includes the worst bout of inflation in almost 50 years, a seemingly permanent jobs recession, and an explosion of spending, debt, and regulation meant to hobble this country for generations. His foreign policy of coddling authoritarians and dictators while running roughshod over our allies has unleashed war from Eastern Europe through the Middle East to the Red Sea — and the Pacific isn’t looking too great, either.

There’s more but I don’t want to talk about his awful record. I want to talk about the awful human being.

Biden spent decades using the corpses of his first wife and baby daughter, Neilia and Naomi, to garner sympathy from audiences. Killed in a car crash that authorities determined was almost certainly due to Neilia being distracted by three kids in the car, Biden blamed the innocent truck driver who “drank his lunch” that terrible day.

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