
Ian Haworth: Kentucky’s New Law Criminalizing ‘Offensive’ Language Against Police Violates The Right Of ‘Free Speech’


As reported by the Daily Wire, “On Thursday, the Kentucky Senate voted to pass a bill that would create stricter laws against forms of protesting and rioting, including the criminalization of taunting police officers following last year’s protests in Louisville.”

According to the Associated Press, anyone who “accosts, insults, taunts, or challenges a law enforcement officer with offensive or derisive words, or by gestures or other physical contact, that would have a direct tendency to provoke a violent response” would be guilty of a misdemeanor under the new bill, and could be fined or sentenced to serve up to 90 days in prison.

“State Sen. Danny Carroll is a Republican who sponsored the bill,” the Daily Wire report by Charlotte Pence Bond continues. “He said that the reason he submitted the measure was in response to the protesting in Louisville last year.”

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