
If RFK Jr. Drops Out, The PR Value Of A Trump Endorsement Is Huge

AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

(PJ Media) He was never a serious candidate.

For all the recent finger-wagging between Democrats and Republicans over who’s the weirdest, the runaway winner in the weirdo Olympics is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Between the creepiness of his personal peccadillos to brain worms(!) to leaving a bear corpse in Central Park(!!), RFK Jr. is a very odd duck.

Then, there’s the issue with his voice. I’m not saying this to be cruel, but the bottom line is that politics is an image-driven enterprise. It’s just not good to sound like a lawnmower.

But he had a famous name, the faint whiff of legitimacy, and the bankroll of a billionaire (courtesy of his running mate, Nicole Shanahan). That combination isn’t enough to take you all the way to the finish line, but it certainly gets your foot in the door.

And that was enough to terrify the Democrats.

So they conspired to undermine his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. Just as they did to protect Hillary Clinton, they rigged the rules and tilted the playing field. This is what they do. In the past, other Democrats bent their knees accordingly and went along with it (looking at you, Bernie Sanders), and the Democrats assumed RFK Jr. would do the same.

But that’s the thing with weirdos: They’re constantly surprising you.

Instead of taking his lumps and kissing the crown, RFK Jr. went rogue, launching an independent campaign for the presidency. He had a fun little commercial at the Super Bowl and did all the normal interviews, but his candidacy never really went anywhere.

Curiously, he was such a weird figure, Republicans and Democrats were unsure how to attack him — or even if they should. Neither side could tell who RFK Jr. was helping or hurting. On one hand, he’s a Kennedy, for crying out loud — an environmental attorney! That’s about as Donkey-ish as it gets. But then again, his skepticism of COVID vaccines and his chumminess with conservatives gave liberals pause. It’s still an open question.

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