
LGBTQ Culture: Pride Month Closes Out Yet Another Year Of Sexualizing Children – Viral Testimony Shows That’s What They Do

Not The Bee

(Not The Bee) As another so-called “Pride Month” is coming to an end, I’m left marveling again at how thoroughly the sexual revolution has completely and utterly overrun our culture. The three-century-old poem of Alexander Pope strikes our contemporary conscience with piercing familiarity:

From Fortune 500 boardrooms to entertainment companies, media conglomerates to both political parties – even to an increasing number of wayward “churches” – the winds of cultural conformity blow relentlessly gay-ward, attempting but failing to cover over a multitude of sinful inconsistency, illogic, and fatuous, moral incongruity.

Out of one side of our mouths, our society prattles on about protecting children. Out of the other side, it celebrates a movement that shatters their innocence, confuses their minds, mutilates their genitals, abuses their consciences, and worse.

This thread isn’t easy to read, but you won’t see this first-hand peek into LGBT culture elsewhere, so please do it here. This is what our depraved society is celebrating and championing this month:

[Warning: Disturbing Content]


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