(Daily Mail) I’m sorry — are we hearing this right? After all this time, the lies and obfuscations, Hunter Biden is admitting the laptop is his?
Not only that: He wants a criminal investigation, at taxpayer expense, into how his laptop became public — even though he himself left it in John Paul Mac Isaac’s Delaware computer repair shop and signed a document forfeiting ownership if he left it there longer than 90 days! Also, he would like everyone involved in leaking its contents, which point to Hunter’s own potential criminal activity, to be punished.
Yes, if anyone is the victim here, it’s Hunter Biden.
And it gets better! Hours after this admission from Hunter’s assuredly well-paid legal team, they walked it back. Anyone else have whiplash?
‘These letters do not confirm Mac Isaac’s or others’ versions of a so-called laptop,’ said Hunter’s lawyers. ‘They address their conduct of seeking, manipulating, and disseminating what they allege to be Mr. Biden’s personal data, wherever they claim to have gotten it.’
So, just to clarify: As of Thursday morning, the laptop was Hunter’s, but as of Thursday afternoon, maybe it wasn’t?
Now, it turns out, this may all be about petty revenge. John Paul Mac Isaac is suing the president’s son for defamation.
Does anyone else feel like Hunter Biden and his legal team are gaslighting us?
Also: Why is the liberal media ignoring one of the laptop’s darkest revelations?
As DailyMail.com exclusively reported Tuesday, Hunter Biden, 52, demanded that his then-29-year-old assistant, a woman of color, engage with him sexually. He threatened to withhold her salary if she didn’t comply. This was a young woman who had to beg him so she could pay her rent.

I’m sorry — are we hearing this right? After all this time, the lies and obfuscations, Hunter Biden is admitting the laptop is his?

As DailyMail.com exclusively reported Tuesday, Hunter Biden’s, 52, demanded that his then-29-year-old assistant, a woman of color, engage with him sexually.
Talk about an actual victim.
Even New York magazine called what follows ‘a new low’ for our ignominious First Son. Sample Hunter’s texts to his subordinate as he further humiliates her by doling out $10 and $20 payments via ApplePay:
‘Set phone up [so] I can spy on you showering.’
‘You have to make up for back work [b]y [FaceTiming] me and/or going to our next-club party.’
‘If we FT the rule has to be no talk of anything but sex and we must be naked and we have to do whatever the other person asks within reason.’
‘Show me how you play with yourself [w]hen you’re all alone.’
Because it clearly must be asked: Imagine if this were the son of a sitting U.S. president on the other side of the aisle and there was no doubt that the texts and images and emails on this laptop were his. (Yes, even the New York Times and the Washington Post have come around on this; both outlets now admit the laptop is authentic.) Imagine the outcry! Imagine the reams of furious New York Times op-eds and the wall-to-wall MSNBC coverage and demands for an investigation into how this son — the personification of white male privilege! — was not only pocketing millions from foreign concerns while trading access to his father, but was likely sexually harassing and abusing young women in his employ.
This young woman, whose name DailyMail.com is withholding, is the fourth employee — that we know of — with whom Hunter was sexually involved.
Oh, and he filmed their sexual encounters and saved them on his laptop. Shades of blackmail?
In January 2019, this young woman emailed Hunter’s secretary, asking why she hadn’t received her December salary of $837.06 and why her health insurance was no longer working.
‘I haven’t been able to get any contact with Hunter,’ she wrote, ‘so I am completely in the dark.’
Does this remotely sound like a relationship of equals? Andrew Cuomo, rightly, was forced to resign over less.

Even New York magazine called what follows ‘a new low’ for our ignominious First Son. Sample Hunter’s texts to his subordinate as he further humiliates her by doling out $10 and $20 payments via ApplePay.